Monday, November 19, 2007

Conference Scholarships!

Good news...

The Family Center for Youth and Children with Special Health Care Needs (Family Center) has put together a conference scholarship program for youth. It is available for all young adults aged 16-26 and you must be eligible for or had been eligible for Children's Special Health Care services. In order for young adults to get more information about their medical condition and about how to be an advocate the Family Center will help pay for you to attend a conference. The scholarship may help pay for conference registrations, mileage, airfare, and lodging expenses while attending the conference. This is a really great opportunity to get the information you want and to stay informed. If you are interested and want to complete an application call the Family Center at their toll-free number 1-800-359-3722 and ask for a youth conference scholarship application. They will explain to you how to complete and what steps to take to return it. If you have questions about the scholarship you can also e-mail the EATT task-force at

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Getting Input

Since we had to cancel our annual meeting, we now need to think of other ways to reach out to people to get their input on different things that are going on with Children's Special Health Care Services. Most people should have received their newsletter which is a great way for CSHCS to keep people informed but we want people on the program to keep CSHCS informed about what is important to you. So please take a minute to leave a comment and let CSHCS know what the best way to get your input and hear your voice on things that are important to you... And Oh, yeah, let us know what is important to you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Marching On

Hello, it's been a while since the last EATT update. With the uncertainty of the Michigan state budget I wanted to hold off posting until I had more information. As you can see from previous posts the Early Adult Transition Task-Force had to cancel its annual meeting in May because of the state budget crisis. At this point the meeting has not been re-scheduled but we are all hopefully that we can re-schedule the event for some time after October.

In the mean-time the EATT will still function the same. You will continue to get newsletters every 3 months and I will keep this blog space for the sharing of ideas from those who visit. It is still very important to Children's Special Health Care Services to hear from you about how we can better our program or what tools would be helpful to you as you move on in life.

So please keep checking this site for information and some topics that might be interesting to you. As always if you would like to e-mail me any questions you have, drop me a line at

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Annual EATT Meeting Cancelled

Unfortunately due the the ongoing budget crisis at the State of Michigan, Children's Special Health Care Services has had to cancel the annual EATT meeting. As much as I did not want this to happen the decision came from above. I am disappointed but hope that the meeting can be rescheduled for another time. I believe this is an important time for young people to get involved and let your voices be heard as large budget cuts are being proposed and we need to make sure that people recognize the needs of young adults so we can protect resources that are helpful to you or will be helpful to you in the future. So please take this opportunity to leave a comment on what is important to you that you would not like to see get cut from the budget. Or let us know what type of services you think would be helpful that currently aren't there. To leave a comment just click on the comments link.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

EATT Annual Meeting

If you are reading this than you must have received the latest Early Adult Transition Task-Force Newsletter. The newsletter included an open invite to anyone who wishes to be part of the task force or if you just come to one meeting and check it out. It should be a fun day, we already have a few people signed up! Children Special Health Care Services really wants your input so come and check us out on May 12th in Lansing. If you have any questions at all e-mail or call 1-800-359-3722...I hope to meet some of you there.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Thanks for stopping in to check out the new Early Adult Transition Task-Force (EATT) blog. This is a place for you to get in touch with other young adults with special health care needs. You can also post your thoughts and comments on different topics. This first post I'm asking to get your feedback. What are some issues that you have come across in dealing with your health care as you get older? A lot of people have problems finding insurance or finding new doctors. Have you had any of these problems?

I hope that you will come back to this site often to get information and add your thoughts on topics. If you have specific questions about an issue feel free to e-mail me at and I will try my best to answer your questions.