Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Annual EATT Meeting Cancelled

Unfortunately due the the ongoing budget crisis at the State of Michigan, Children's Special Health Care Services has had to cancel the annual EATT meeting. As much as I did not want this to happen the decision came from above. I am disappointed but hope that the meeting can be rescheduled for another time. I believe this is an important time for young people to get involved and let your voices be heard as large budget cuts are being proposed and we need to make sure that people recognize the needs of young adults so we can protect resources that are helpful to you or will be helpful to you in the future. So please take this opportunity to leave a comment on what is important to you that you would not like to see get cut from the budget. Or let us know what type of services you think would be helpful that currently aren't there. To leave a comment just click on the comments link.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

EATT Annual Meeting

If you are reading this than you must have received the latest Early Adult Transition Task-Force Newsletter. The newsletter included an open invite to anyone who wishes to be part of the task force or if you just come to one meeting and check it out. It should be a fun day, we already have a few people signed up! Children Special Health Care Services really wants your input so come and check us out on May 12th in Lansing. If you have any questions at all e-mail DCH-EATT@michigan.gov or call 1-800-359-3722...I hope to meet some of you there.